What Wonders Await the Wandering Ones: Generosity Killed the Cat
Whether in San Clemente, Saigon, or South America, there are small gems to be found, awe inspiring views, and the good people, food and traditions that make a place what it is. As I explore my world and make these discoveries, I will share here.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Generosity Killed the Cat

The definition of generosity is giving freely without expecting anything in return. However, even if you are not expecting anything in return, a thanks or acknowledgement makes you feel like your generosity was not wasted on ungratefulness. Pearls before swine, so to speak :)
Recently we've hosted lots of different parties or get-togethers. There were times when I was blessed by the thoughtfulness, helpfulness and thankfulness of our guests. There were also times where I felt tired and overwhelmed, and wondered what the point of all this was.
If you open your home, wallet, time or talents to someone without expecting anything in return, what makes it worth it?
Quality experiences, good conversations, helping someone in need, time with friends or family - these are some things that I consider valuable enough to give my time or money to.
According to Emily Post (Queen of Manners and Etiquette),  a polite guest or a grateful recipient will do some of the following:
- Let the host know if you are coming or not, even if they didn't say to RSVP
- Thank the host the day of the party and phone call or written note after
- Be on time (yes, I definitely need to work on this one)
- Offer to help
- Don't overindulge

What inspires you to be generous? When has someone been extremely generous towards you? Have you ever felt your generosity taken advantage of, and how so?


  1. God has blessed us with a plethora of generous friends and family. Guatemalans taught us the true meaning of hospitality and i know that experience transformed the way i look at guests who enter our home. Guatemalans give their guests the very best they have and they do it joyfully.
    TAken advantage of? Not really. Nothing really ridiculous, anyway. i am more fearful that i have probably taken advantage of others in my cluelessness :(

  2. I'm sure I've received more generosity than I've given. Growing up, you're constantly being given to, with nothing expected in return. Kids are given everything they have (thanks mom and dad). Part of becoming an adult is becoming self-sufficient, and learning to give what you can. I'm by no means an example of it, but I think being generous to grateful people is one of the best things you can do with your resources.
